12 Safety TIPS
LEARN MOREGuide to Leashes
LEARN MOREGearing up for SUP
LEARN MOREWind and tide
LEARN MOREwhat to wear while SUPing
LEARN MORESafety is paramount to any water-sport and if you are not confident or have not lessons or basic training, you should be extremely cautious of where you go and what you are doing on your Sea Lion paddelboard. The elements such as the wind and tide, the suns' UV rays and water temperature are just several things you need to consider. Make sure you know the basics, it could save you or someone else's life!

What leash should I wear?
It depends on what body of water you are on and what discipline of SUPing you are doing. Check out our leash blog (LINK)
What kind of wind is dangerous?
Offshore winds (winds that blow outwards from the land), whatever the speed, should be avoided as it may blow you out into sea/ocean. Experience and stamina are a huge factor when paddling in winds and you need to understand your own capabilities before venturing out onto the water. If you are a beginner at SUPing, anything over 10mph (8.6 knots) will be a struggle and should be avoided until you gain more experience and stamina. Check out our saftey blog on Wind!
Do I really need a pfd (personal floatation device)?
YES. At no point should you not be wearing some form of PFD when paddleboarding, whatever experience you are or how good a swimmer you are. The weather can change in a heart beat and any body of water should never be underestimated. A PFD could save your life.
Where should I paddle if I am a beginner?
If you are a total beginner, you should go have lessons at your nearest certified SUP centre. They will teach you the right skills and knowledge to tackle the water on your own. Check out our store locator to see where your nearest Sea Lion demo centre! If you are a beginner but have had some lessons, make sure you paddle with a buddy and have the right equipment. Check out our 12 paddleboarding safety tips to keep you safe blog!